Even Endless Summers End

The Fleming Fling at Seattle’s Elliot Bay Marina was the perfect end to our summer on Flying Colours.  We arrived in Seattle on Tuesday, September 27th, exactly four months to the day from our Anacortes departure heading north.  Granted, we had a tiny amount of...

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Teabag – She’s Done It Again!

September 3, 2011 Teabag (a.k.a. ZuZu) has had another cold saltwater dip.  This is her third plunge into the frigid 50° waters in these parts, and her adventure really alarmed us. We were tied up at the Seattle Yacht Club outstation dock in Cortes Bay, near...

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Back To Prawning

It’s a good time in life when the most important question of the day is, “Is it time to pull the prawn traps?” As I start to write this, we’re back in Booker Lagoon on the south side of Broughton Island, this time anchored with Couverden in the SE cove of this large...

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Watermaker Fixed and Farewell Harbour

As I start writing this, it’s July 19th and we’re at Sullivan Bay Resort, near the top end of the Broughton Archipelago, on the north side of Broughton Island. When it rains, it pours.  First it was the generator shutdown with the clogged sea strainer – which...

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