House Bank – Depositing Boat Units

OK, two questions . . . #1, what’s a boat unit, and #2, what’s a house bank? Answer to question #1:  A “boat unit” is a euphemism for the $1,000 shown at left, allowing boaters to refer to the amount of money being spent on various boat “things” that we can’t live...

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Roseanne Roseannadanna!

So far this summer we’ve gotten to know Roseanne Roseannadanna quite well – and Kap is threatening to rename Flying Colours to Roseannadanna!  For those readers too young to have watched (or weren't inclined to watch) the original cast of Saturday Night Live back in...

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Ahhhh, Back In Poutine-Land . . . Finally!

OK, I’ll readily admit that I’ve never actually had a poutine – it’s just that Canada is the home of this very popular national dish – one that’s almost the Canuck equivalent to “American as Apple pie”.  According to what I could find about its origins, poutine is a...

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End Of Summer In Prideaux Haven

It was a dark and stormy day . . . I kinda' like that line - I wonder if it's ever been used to open a story????? It's September 9th as I start this post.  We're safely tucked aboard Flying Colours at anchor in Prideaux Haven in the heart of Desolation Sound - named...

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