Cruising With Pets

A Tribute To Gator. For the first time we are cruising without our incredible canine First Mate – Gator.  Finally, after 17 years this old and wonderful dog passed on just before last Christmas.  Given how much he cruised with us, I’d like to start  with a toast to...

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Finally, Water Under Our Bums – Well, Sort Of . . .

Our 2017 cruising departure date was set for the beginning of May, and our hoped-for destination has been SE Alaska.  Yup, so much for that plan.  One equipment delay after another has plagued us, not to mention a nagging and painful knee tendon (called the IT band)...

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Narrowboat To Llangollen

This Flying Colours post will be an unusual one – with very little mentioned about Flying Colours.  Instead, it will be all about cruising for two weeks on a boat several feet longer than Flying Colours, but only half the width – called a “narrowboat”.  Our cruise is...

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