B.C. Day At Ovens Island – and Transiting Dodd Narrows

Hello all, Wednesday, July 28 – Sidney, B.C. to Ovens Island SYC Outstation (Ladysmith Harbour on Vancouver Island) By Wednesday, July 28th, we’d been in Sidney for eight days, the coolant leak on the port engine was fixed, and we’d provisioned with enough meat and...

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Sidney, B.C. – Maybe It’ll Be A Slow Cruising Summer!

  Hello all, We’re in Sidney, B.C., arrived last Tuesday, July 20 from Roche Harbor Resort. It’s a short 10 mile cruise, and from dock to dock took us only 1:20. Now we’re sort of stuck here while some engine repairs are made – somewhat of a repeat of last year’s...

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This Time We’re Away!

Hello all, We’re outta Dodge!  Our plans are a bit less ambitious than we’d expected, but we're away nevertheless - Anacortes to Roche Harbor on Friday afternoon - starting mid-afternoon due to some last-minute glitches, then across to Roche Harbor Resort, planning to...

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Wrist Repair

Hello all,  By now, a full three weeks have transpired since Kap’s crash to the sidewalk at Anacortes.   At the urging of our good friend, Lisa Hart (who happens to be a registered nurse), as soon as we got home Kap managed to get an appointment at Seattle Hand...

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