Comments on: While we’re waiting . . . Thu, 24 Jun 2010 19:21:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: ronf Tue, 01 Jun 2010 20:00:28 +0000 In reply to Mike Radding.

Mike – let me start by saying, there won’t be a liability lawsuit against Fleming Yachts for this . . . :).

Actually, it’s a long story, but here’s the short version. Part of our delay in departing for SE Alaska has been a troubling back problem – a herniated disc in a lower vertebrae. At one time, the disc particle was on the left side of the spine, pressing against the nerve bundle that services her left leg. Because we were leaving very soon, her orthopedic surgeon gave her a spinal cortisone shot to decrease the inflammation. For unknown reasons, the disc material then shifted over to the right side of her spine, creating serious pain down her left leg. She’s been taking a cortisone pill regimen to relieve that, and it seems to have worked.

Well, last Saturday while “walking” the dogs, she started to run on the sidewalk with Gator. About 25′ into that, her right knee just collapsed, sending her into a head spin that landed her on her face on the sidewalk. With the dog leash in her right hand, the fall pulled the dog up short very quickly – just as her hand/arm hit the pavement. We’re pretty sure of this, as she has a cut on the side of her palm from the leash. That out-of-control position of her hand is likely what caused the fracture – and the way her face struck the sidewalk is further evidence (sort of makes you say “ouch!”, doesn’t it? We think the nerve problem from the herniated disc sometimes causes the nerves to “short out”, maybe when some type of action or pressure is involved (don’t quote me, as I’m not practicing medicine here).

Now, if you can see any way we can get this taken care of under Fleming warranty, let me know……


By: Mike Radding Tue, 01 Jun 2010 19:39:59 +0000 Ron,

How did Kathryn fall?? Did she trip….did she faint??? I gots to know!

