Month: May 2010

While we’re waiting . . .

Hello all, It seems strange to be sitting around the house when Flying Colours is all ready to head out cruising - particularly since it's Memorial Day, with everything closed and no way to speed up getting Kap's wrist looked at.  She's whiling away the time, watching...

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Departure Day. . . Well, Likely Not

Hello all, Mark Twain:  "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Yeah, well,...

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Readying Flying Colours For Cruising

Hello all, Let’s see . . . this boat isn’t much more than an RV on the water . . . or is it? What does it take to get a boat ready for a 3-4 month cruise – particularly in our cruising waters of the Pacific Northwest, along the Inside Passage from Seattle to SE...

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Hello Family and Friends!

Today is the first post of Ron's Blog for Flying Colours - our Fleming 55 - getting ready to be underway on our cruise to SE Alaska for summer, 2010.    Since I didn't get a cruising log out last year, I thought I'd sprinkle this introductory post with some photos...

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